A.D.R. Alliance Depository Receipts. Earn above Bank Rate.
This Initial Private Offering (I P O) is a members-only Memorandum of understanding; aimed at cross-border investors participating in shared-Income certificates in portfolios of corporate resources from companies around the Globe as an alternative to traditional investments. They are private and not listed on the New York stock exchange NYCE, NASDAQ, or other security exchanges.
To others, this Memorandum of understanding constitutes an offering of these investment certificates only in those jurisdictions and persons where and to whom they may be lawfully offered for sale and therein only by persons permitted to sell such certificates.
The Directors of the Company. Accept responsibility for the information contained in this document. This Offering Memorandum is published under The Mutual Fund Act Bahamas 1959.
Alliance Partner shared-Income Portfolios are tax-exempt International Business Entities. It conducts business as an exempt mutual fund under section 3(4) of the Mutual Fund Act Bahamas,1959. The Memorandum of Association of the Company empowers the issuance of Investment Certificates with a broad investment- capacity.
The Trust: The Company will be funded for its activity by a Trust, which will hold the Company's shares, or notes as consideration therefor. The directors of the Company control the operation of the Fund. The Company acts as a conduit for allocating funds to the various private and public investee companies. The Trust is established as a Trustee to hold the Company's Certificates and may have multiple beneficiaries who hold units thereunder.
For valuable consideration, the Trust issues Certificates in the Trust's undertaking for the client, entitling the holder /investor /thereof to share in the profits or gains arising from the acquisition, holding, management and deposits of its investments within the Fund. The Law of The Bahamas governs The Company.
As the Companys/Fund controller, the Trust offers Investment Certificates to investors in trances of $10.000 or more.
Our most common model is; Provide partners with an agreeable set return, generally 5% -10%-30% and more on a three or 5-year term, secured by revolving Goods & Services & financial instruments (backed by personal guarantees) & from the Alliance Circle itself.
Redemption: Options, at term end ;
The Company's mandate: as dictated by its executive and Board of Directors, is to carry on business as an operating fund, participating as an active investor in various Trade Exchange Agreements as a lead investment partner in established public and private companies holding resources of economic value that are underutilised or overlooked—spanning multiple sectors such as Travel & Leisure, Food and Hospitality, Health & Wellness, Music & Entertainment, Telecom & Media, Direct Marketing Financial services. Future production of consumer and commercial goods. Portfolios of gold and oil. Value-added corn, grains, coffee, cocoa, fruit and sugar, Professional, Medical and other services.
Our Ongoing Portfolio Offering!
The Alliance Trade Dollar Dual AT$ Currency Finance Investment Portfolio is the most comprehensive and well-balanced investment in today's marketplace.
The portfolio includes, amongst other things, a broad range of Flexible Dual Currency Credit Lines of Complementary Currencies Combined with National Currencies to help finance trade for companies with a wide range of business needs.
Alliance Depository Receipt. A.D.R. Certificates are a method to invest in Portfolios of resources of enterprises around the world.
The Company may take the lead in any Initial Private Offering initiatives for enterprises whose growth levels are determined. And only when the opportunity exists to provide a return on investment, which is an exponential factor to the amount invested.
Corporate Structure: Given its structure, Alliance does not withhold any taxes on the distribution. Which- allows them to distribute a share of its earnings to investors in the form of distributions. Holders of Certificates are -advised to inform themselves as-to Possible tax consequences. Legal requirements; & Foreign exchange or exchange control requirements which might be encountered-pursuant to the laws of the Country of citizenship, residence or domicile of any person who might be relevant to the purchase, holding and disposal of certificates in the Trust.
Distribution: The Company enters into Services Agreements with Self-Employed Agents to promote and distribute Investment Certificates in the portfolio.
The Company's objective is to be aligned -with Self-Employed Professionals who can seek out qualified Merchants and Investors.
Maintaining independent self-employed Agency relationships is critical to the ongoing global initiation and distribution of Certificates. Increased distribution ensures the expansion of the enterprises' activities and increases holder value returns.
Bylaws: The Bylaws of the Company contain no restrictions on the investment powers of the directors. The directors intend that the Company shall not acquire any asset or investment, which could involve the assumption of unlimited liability; however, the Company may make investments that will result in the exercise of legal or direct investment control. Without a fee, the option exists for holders to have their "long-term holdings" redeemed in cash at the Net Asset Value (NAV); such to be effected at any given month's end. The Redemption dates are quarterly. Upon not less than a 30-day prior written notice and only after the expiry of a minimum of 180 days from the date of acquiring such certificates provided, the aggregate limit for redemption is 5% of the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the holdings of the Company held by the Trust in any month.
Currencies: all financial transactions are- denominated in Trade Dollars. Exchangeable at a fixed rate of 1:1.It is not an official rate of exchange. Instead, it is a rate for valuation purposes between Trade Dollars and National Currencies.
Registering with Alliance does not obligate you to buy, sell or invest. No one will call you without permission. Registration entitles you to an honorary Membership with other Merchants and Investors in 175 countries around the globe. It allows you to receive periodic reports on members within the alliance circle on opportunities available from time to time.
metfingroup 1604 200 Bay Street South Hamilton, ON l8p4s4 CA
Alliancecircle@ Gmail.com ....(647 )883 5774
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